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Persistent poverty as a situated phenomenon. Notes for boarding.

  • Adriana Clemente UBA
Keywords: Persistent poverty - urban territories - social policy - integrality - accessibility. pobreza persistente - territorios urbanos - política social – integralidad - accesibilidad.


This article addresses the issue of urban poverty in its territorial expression. Its objective is to provide conceptual elements for the revision of approaches and strategies to address persistent poverty and its reversal through universal social policies. For this, the work takes conceptual aspects that review the approach and conventions on poverty as a category of analysis and intervention. In this sense, a kind of characterization of dominant approaches and main debates on the orientation of social programs in the last two decades is provided. In a second moment the text develops orientations on the situational approach of the approach of the urban poverty, identifying attributes of the policies to act in the complex territories as the villages and poorer settlements. Finally, progress is made on the issue of accessibility as a key link in the process of implementing social policies aimed at reaching households suffering from persistent poverty, which are characterized by high dependence on the State to meet their needs Basic.
