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Parties and democracy in Argentina. The case of a successful provincial party: the Popular Movement of Neuquén.

  • Orietta Favaro Cehepyc / CLACS0, Faculty of Humanities, National University of Comahue.
Keywords: partidos políticos – sistema po- lítico- política en provincias - MPN - Neuquén. Political parties - political - political system in provinces - MPN - Neuquén.


The political aspect that gives rise to each of the major provincial networks, its area of development, relations within and outside the local authority and with the central state would explain the origin and reasons why these local forces are characterized by their Territorial cleavage. This paper analyzes a successful case of the provincial party: the Popular Movement of Neuquén (MPN), focusing on the political-ideological line from which it emerges, the phases of its development and relations with the central power in the three recent democratic decades in The politics of Argentina.
