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Public policies and political rights: From the female vote to the gender quotas as answers to the problems of political representation of women in Argentina

  • Hernan Pablo Toppi UBA
Keywords: Derechos políticos – Voto femenino – Cuotas de Género – Política Pública – Argentina. Political rights - Female vote - Gender quotas - Public policy - Argentina.


The incorporation of women into Argentine political life has involved two crucial moments. The first is linked to the female vote and the second to the gender quotas. This paper analyzes both processes from the sequential model of public policies. On the one hand, we will argue that these cases comply with the different phases proposed by the model. On the other hand, we will propose that there is a direct connection between the cases mentioned, since the emergence of an unexpected problem with the introduction of the female vote will lead to gender quotas. This will show us that the public policy process is not only dynamic but also circular.

Author Biography

Hernan Pablo Toppi, UBA
Professor and researcher at the University of Buenos Aires and at the University of Salvador.