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Notes for a first step in the road map of the modernization of the state apparatus

  • Diego Pando Metropolitan University of Education and Work and University of San Andrés
Keywords: Modernización - aparato estatal - gestión pública - recursos humanos - empleo público - Argentina Modernization - state apparatus - public management - human resources - public employment - Argentina


The Modernization Plan of the State raises a series of actions towards a system of public management directed more clearly to satisfy the demands of the citizens. Despite its relevance to achieving this goal, the professionalization of public employment lags behind the rest of the existing commitments. To fill this gap, it is recommended to promote the professionalization of high-level public management.

Author Biography

Diego Pando, Metropolitan University of Education and Work and University of San Andrés
PhD in Political Science, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Director of the Degree in Public Policy and Government of the Metropolitan University of Education and Work and professor of the Faculty of Administration and Business of the University of San Andrés. President of the Argentine Association of Public Administration Studies.