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Changes and continuities in public policies of popular habitat in the City of Buenos Aires, 2011-2016.

  • Vanesa Marazzi Center of Studies Of City of the Faculty of Sciences Social of the UBA.
  • Natalia Gualdoni City Studies Center Of the Faculty of Social Sciences Of the UBA.
Keywords: City of Buenos Aires - popular habitat - villas - settlements - urban management. Ciudad de Buenos Aires - hábitat popular - villas - asentamientos - gestión urbana.


This article analyzes public policies
Aimed at the management of the
City of Buenos Aires during the period 2011-
2017, identifying the main modifications
Political, institutional and budgetary aspects of
Linked to the management of this matter.
Composing the future of the policy under analysis
Is intended not only to give an account of what
Has occurred in the period under review, but also
Build a "baseline" that operates as a
Starting point to analyze the continuities and
Disruptions of the policy oriented to housing, villas
And settlements on the basis of management initiated
In December 2015.

Author Biographies

Vanesa Marazzi, Center of Studies Of City of the Faculty of Sciences Social of the UBA.

PhD student in Social Sciences.
Magister in Public Policy,
Researcher at the Center for Studies
Of City of the Faculty of Sciences
Social of the UBA.

Natalia Gualdoni, City Studies Center Of the Faculty of Social Sciences Of the UBA.

Social Worker, researcher
Of the Center for City Studies
Of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Of the UBA.
