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State Reform and Provinces in the Alfonsinist Six-Year

  • Horacio Cao CIAP UBA
Keywords: Provinces - State Reform - Federalism - Presidency of Raúl Alfonsín - Neoliberalism Provincias - Reforma del Estado - Federalismo - Presidencia de Raúl Alfonsín - Neoliberalismo


The paper analyzes the reform policies of the
During the presidential term of Dr.
Raúl Alfonsín (1983/89) and how they drew
A scenario where provinces would redefine
Its place in the field of the political and the administrative.
The text describes the complex scenario
Faced by the president, the tensions
To the orientation that the state reform should have and
How his provincial chapter was processed from
Of federal institutions. They played a role
Crucial in the replacement of important actors
Political, economic and social factors that
Decay from changes that have occurred both in
The political order as in the process of accumulation.
In this way, the process is
Which, in the face of the adjustment measures
Fragmented and contradictory government
Radical - the provinces led the reorganization and
Revaluation of the territorial pattern of construction
Policy in Argentina.

Author Biography

Horacio Cao, CIAP UBA

Doctor of Business Administration
The University of Buenos Aires,
Researcher at CIAP - FCE - UBA.
His most recent book (in collaboration)
Is The State in question. Ideas and politics
In the Argentine Public Administration
