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The sixth partner of MERCOSUR: A study on Chinese import penetration and its impact on intraregional trade

  • Damián Paikin CENES UBA UNLA
  • Federico Dulcich CENES UBA UNLAM
Keywords: Mercosur - China - import substitution - development - extra regional trade. Mercosur - China - sustitución de importaciones - desarrollo - comercio extra regional.


The present article seeks to analyze the exchange
Argentine-Brazilian trade in recent years
And Chinese penetration in the region in order to
Observe the future prospects of MERCOSUR
And the necessary public policy options in
Matter of international insertion; It stops at the
Sectoral analysis of bilateral trade and
Of displacement of regional production by
Asian suppliers finding a drop in
The last years in the share of exports
Argentina to Brazil and vice versa, while
There is an increase in Chinese participation
In all sectors, except for the automotive.
Faced with this, the questions arise: Is the greater liberalization
And the flexibilization of MERCOSUR,
The exit for the Argentine economy? Will it be possible
By this way to recover markets in recoil
Like the Brazilian? Or, on the contrary, the greater
Regional regulation, as in the automotive case,
Is the basis for sustaining a process of
sustainable development?

Author Biographies

Damián Paikin, CENES UBA UNLA

Doctor of Social Sciences
University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
The Economic Structure (CENES),
Institute of Economic Research,
Faculty of Economics of the
University of Buenos Aires (FCE-UBA).
Professor of the Master in Politics
And Government (UNLA).


Federico Dulcich, CENES UBA UNLAM

BA in Economics from FCE-UBA.
Researcher CENES, Instituto de
Economic Research, FCE-UBA;
Postgraduate fellow of the Council
National Scientific Research
And Techniques (CONICET), and teacher
Of the FCE-UBA and the University
National of La Matanza (UNLaM).
