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Shaping housing needs in public policies. A theoretical - methodological model from an interpretive perspective.

  • Venettia Romagnoli Environment, Landscape and Heritage. Doctor in Social Sciences, FLACSO. Professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University National of the Northeast (FAU- UNNE). UNNE-CONICET Deputy Investigator.
Keywords: human needs - housing policies - theoreticalmethodological model - Argentina´s Federal Housing Policy. necesidades humanas - políticas habitacionales - modelo teórico - metodológico de análisis - Política Federal de Vivienda Argentina.


This paper was produced within the framework of the
recently completed doctoral thesis, called “What housing
do the poor need?. A study on the configuration of needs
in housing policies in force since the case of the AMGR
(Chaco, Argentina) “, was devoted to analyze the process
of shaping housing needs in public policies, to identify
their different moments, actors involved, their interests,
roles, strategies and impact on the politicization, interpretation
and implementation of those needs. This article is
devoted to the development of a theoretical-methodological
model built for the analysis of this process.

Author Biography

Venettia Romagnoli, Environment, Landscape and Heritage. Doctor in Social Sciences, FLACSO. Professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University National of the Northeast (FAU- UNNE). UNNE-CONICET Deputy Investigator.

Environment, Landscape and Heritage.
Doctor in Social Sciences, FLACSO.
Professor at the School of Architecture
and Urbanism of the University
National of the Northeast (FAU- UNNE).
UNNE-CONICET Deputy Investigator.
