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State: Perspectives Posfundational. Emmanuel Biset y Roque Farrán (compiladores)

  • Sebastián Cruz Barbosa National University of Lanús. Metropolitan University for Education and work.
Keywords: Política-Posfundacionalismo-Estado State Posfundationalism Politics


This work has a great initial virtue and is that, such
Once, for the first time, a set of
analytical and interpretative texts on how
addressed the question of the State the so-called Posfundacionalismo.
These are items that work in
this key with authors of a nodal intellectual size
in the corpus of Contemporary Political Theory:
Agamben, Badiou, Butler, Deleuze, Derrida, Foucault,
Laclau, Poulantzas, Ranciere and Zizek.

Author Biography

Sebastián Cruz Barbosa, National University of Lanús. Metropolitan University for Education and work.

Phd. in Social Sciences.
Master in Social Policy.
Lic. In Sociology and Political Science. UBA
Research Professor in Political Science.
