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Prevention, assistance, eradication? Public Policies against gender-oriented violence in Buenos Aires City, 2015-2017

  • Celina Penchansky Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad
  • Lucía Fuster Pravato Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad
  • Victoria Freire Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad
  • Lucía Loewy Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad
Keywords: gender-oriented violence – violence against women – Buenos Aires City – General Directorate for Women – “Not one less” violencia de género – violencia contra las mujeres - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - Dirección General de la Mujer – “Ni una menos”


This article entails an assessment of gender oriented violence
in Buenos Aires City and of current public policies
addressed at it, focusing mainly on violence against
women. In the first place we assess the magnitude of the
phenomenon; then we focus on the variety of actions
implemented by the City government and their main
institutional tools. In a third moment attention given to
specific public policies allows us to propose an interpretation
of the prevailing policy-approach conducted from the
City government. The scope of our discussion goes back
to 2015 for two main reasons: 1) the enactment, in that
year, of the National Register of Femicides, which merges
information from the judicial system as well research conducted
by NGOs dealing with violence against women;
2) The impressive massive public mobilization “Not one
woman less/Ni una menos” of June 3, that year. Our
main conclusion points to the prevalence of assistentialism

as a policy approach, which in turn we relate to restrictions
in resource endowments which prevent the implementations
of policies of greater complexity.

Author Biographies

Celina Penchansky, Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad
Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad

Lucía Fuster Pravato, Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad
Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad

Victoria Freire, Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad
Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad

Lucía Loewy, Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad
Observatorio de Género y Políticas Públicas de la Ciudad