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Gender/indigenous Institutionality and Public Policies addressed at Indigenous Women in Chile: The cases of CONADI and SERNAM

  • Andrea Ivana Gigena CONICET
  • Maite De Cea Universidad Diego Portales de Chile Centro de estudios Interculturales e Indígenas
Keywords: políticas públicas – mujeres indígenas – CONADI – SERNAM - Chile public policies - indigenous women – SERNAM – CONADI – Chile


This article focuses on the relationship between gender/
indigenous institutionality and public policies addressed
to indigenous women in two Chilean state agencies:
the National Corporation for Indigenous Development
(CONADI) and the National Service for Women
(SERNAM) - Ministry for Women and Gender Equity.
To begin with, we present the conditions for the
emergence of that institutionality and describe its main
features. Then, we assess the different types of policies
and programs for indigenous women implemented by the
above mentioned state agencies.The corpus comprises documentary
material and in-depth interviews carried out
in Chile to public servants and indigenous women. They
were interviewed between May and July 2016 in the
Metropolitan, Arica y Parinacota and Araucanía regions.

Author Biographies

Andrea Ivana Gigena, CONICET

Maite De Cea, Universidad Diego Portales de Chile Centro de estudios Interculturales e Indígenas
Universidad Diego Portales de Chile
Centro de estudios Interculturales e Indígenas