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Legislative prospects for social secutity reforms in Argentina and Chile. A comparative approach, 2005-2010

  • Fransisco Oesterheld UBA
Keywords: Proyectos legislativos previsionales – cobertura de adultos mayores – haberes – social security legislative projects – distribution of income – poverty


Both Néstor Kirchner’s (2003-2007) and Cristina
Fernández’s (2007-2015) governemnts in Argentina
and Michelle Bachelet´s (2006-2010) in Chile inher-ited social security systems in crisis; with problems of financing,
coverage, level of retirement and, consequently,
with poverty problems in older adults. In the absence to
coverage shortcomings programs were launched to facilitate
access to retirement. This type of measures generated
an intense debate with regard to the overall working of
the system. Appealing to the perspective of historical sociology,
this article focuses on social security strategies and
draft legislation in pensions advanced in both countries in
2005-2010. It compares proposals to improve coverage,
level of retirement and, consequently, the distribution of
income and the reduction of poverty.

Author Biography

Fransisco Oesterheld, UBA