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Putting Together Theoretical Approaches: The Human Rights Approach and Actor-Centered Institutionalism

  • Gonzalo Olmedo CONICET
Keywords: enfoque de derechos –institucionalismo centrado en actores – PROGRESAR – políticas sociales – inclusión social – juventud - Human Rights Approach – Actor-Centered Institutionalism – PROGRESAR – social policies – social inclusion – youth


The following essay attempts to construct an articulation
between two different theoretical paradigms stemming from
diverse disciplines to analyze public policy. Specifically, the
article aims to incorporate conceptual elements borrowed
from Actor-Centered Institutionalism –which in turn ap-peals to elements and tools from rational choice theory and
Boudon’s cognitive action theory (2003) – and apply it to
the analysis of human rights-based public policy. For that
purpose, an exploratory survey of a social program will be
conducted, PROGRESAR, which meets the conditions
to be analyzed under the proposed theoretical framework.

Author Biography

Gonzalo Olmedo, CONICET
Licenciado en Historia.
Doctorando en Política y Gobierno.
Universidad Católica
de Córdoba - CONICET