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Resources and knowledge in the construction of power at the subnational level: the experience of the team of the Ministry of Economy of the Province of Buenos Aires (1987-2007)

  • Elsa Pereyra Doctor in Social Sciences of the UBA; Master in Administration and Policies Public of the University of San Andrés; Researcher - Teacher of the Institute of the Conurbano, National University of General Sarmiento; Teacher of the School of Politics and Government, National University of San Martín.
Keywords: political knowledge - technical knowledge - subnational level- Province of Buenos Aires - Patacón. saber político – saber técnico – nivel subnacional – provincia de Buenos Aires – “Patacón”.


 This article focuses on the experience of the team that led

the Ministry of Economy of the Province of Buenos Aires

between 1987 and 2007 from the point of view of its production

and the build-up of analytical, political and technical

capacities. In order to achieve this, it discusses the process

that, in the context of the 2001 crisis, led to the creation

of the quasi-currency known as Patacón as an illustration

of the type of productions that characterized the work of

this group of public officers. The analysis of the ways in

which politics and technique were combined together in the

interventions of the provincial government’s economic team,

enable us to elaborate profiles of state actors of higher levels

of complexity than those that can be found in the predominant

literature in the field of public policies.

Author Biography

Elsa Pereyra, Doctor in Social Sciences of the UBA; Master in Administration and Policies Public of the University of San Andrés; Researcher - Teacher of the Institute of the Conurbano, National University of General Sarmiento; Teacher of the School of Politics and Government, National University of San Martín.

Doctor in Social Sciences of the UBA;
Master in Administration and Policies
Public of the University of San Andrés;
Researcher - Teacher of the Institute
of the Conurbano, National University
of General Sarmiento; Teacher of
the School of Politics and Government,
National University of San Martín.
