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The quality of care as a challenge for public policies addressed at the elderly and disabled people

  • Erika Van Rompaey PhD in Sociology, University Autonomous University of Barcelona. Postdoctoral fellow CONICET - FLACSO (Argentina).


The purpose of the article is to examine the concept ofquality of home care provided for disabled and elderlypeople and their different approaches, to analyse the impactthat the material and technical conditions of the careoffered by the State have on the protection of the right to be cared. Likewise, it analyzes the quality of public care inthe Uruguayan case, which has designed and implementeda new care policy (National Integrated Care System) thathas a program specifically aimed at home care. We selecta qualitative strategy for the study of the uruguayan case,based on the analysis of institutional documents.

Author Biography

Erika Van Rompaey, PhD in Sociology, University Autonomous University of Barcelona. Postdoctoral fellow CONICET - FLACSO (Argentina).

PhD in Sociology, University
Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Postdoctoral fellow
CONICET - FLACSO (Argentina).
