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X-ray of the province from Buenos Aires. Crisis of a disputed territory.

  • Máximo Lanzetta Universidad Nacional de Lanús y Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche


The figure of the "radiography" refers us to a perspective of epistemological approach that characterized to a stage of the social sciences, supported in metaphors or allegories, first of biology and later medicine. The construction of an anatomy of the territory, just like then, in a way it announces a therapy. The book that is reviewed here is cross in all its articles asses by a central hypothesis, the way in which the government of Cambiemos had an impact on the deterioration of the conditions of the treated axes, in many cases providing numerical indicators, especially cheap. In that direction guides a diagnosis.

Axel Kicillof, Cecilia Rodríguez, Eduardo M. Basualdo, Silvina Batakis, Roberto Baradel, Daniel Gollan, Pablo Manzanelli, Laura V. Alonso.

Author Biography

Máximo Lanzetta, Universidad Nacional de Lanús y Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche

Profesor investigador
