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Gendered Cabinets. Women’s participation in National and Subnational executive branches in Argentina (2011-2019)

  • Paula Canelo CONICET - CITRA - UMET


The article studies various dimensions of
the gendered Argentine executive between 2011 and
2019. To do this, it presents an exhaustive analysis of
the variables occupied position and sex in a set of 1032individuals who held the positions of minister, secretary,
undersecretary (and equivalent hierarchies) in the
94 dependencies of 5 selected cabinets. The cases under
study are the national cabinets of Cristina Fernández de
Kirchner (2011), Mauricio Macri (2015) and Alberto
Fernández (2019), and the sub-national cabinets of
María Eugenia Vidal (province of Buenos Aires, 2015)
and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta (Autonomous City of
Buenos Aires, 2015).

Author Biography

Paula Canelo, CONICET - CITRA - UMET
Independent Researcher of CONICET (CITRA-UMET), Professor of the Sociology Career of the FCS-UBA.