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Argentine populism

  • Juan Martín Errecalde Mar del Plata University


The translation of the title is misleading. The original title is Progressive Populism.
A riflesionesulla crisi della democrazia Europea, that is, progressive populism.
A reflection on the crisis of European democracy.
The "crisis of European democracy" is only indirectly part of the volume, which presents an interpretation of GinoGermani's sociology of Peronism.
The "crisis of European democracy" appears as the background of Germani's intellectual formation; In reality, it was part of the existential-political challenge faced by a whole generation of intellectuals: Polanyi, Arendt, Mannheim, Neuman, Heller, Laskiante, the best known.
The First National Congress of Philosophy, held in San Juan in 1949, is illustrative of the impact of this crisis on the most graced of the intelligentsia of our country.

