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  • Carlos Vilas UNLA


Structures, actors and processes make up the unifying thread of the diversity of themes

specific work on the articles that make up this issue of the magazine.

Several texts point to federalism as a structuring dimension of the Argentine state

in its three jurisdictional levels and the tensions that arise between the level

national jurisdictional and sub-national levels. Niembro, Aristimuño and Del Bello

subject to scrutiny the effective scope of the federalization objective in income to

the career of scientific and technological researcher at CONICET; prove the uneven

achievement of the same and the risks of a return to academicism that marked moments

precedents of the organism. Fernando Rubino compares two experiences of associativism

intermunicipal in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires and its effectiveness as

management tool. Piana and Patiño Jaramillo focus on the organizational structures of

the Public Administration of the province of Buenos Aires during the government of

María Eugenia Vidal (2015-19), highlight the contrast between the official privatization discourse, anti-political,

downsizing of the state and cutting expenses, the reality of growth

of the resources and responsibilities of the agencies taken into account and the increase in

political positions without specific functional involvement. The effective validity of the policy

glacier protection in the provinces of Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego allows Ana Paula Lucero to identify and

explain the tensions that arise between a federal political norm of universal application and the provincial interests

derived from their specific endowment of resources and their own development strategies. The coupling between

federal political institutions and processes and provincial regimes is explicit in the analysis of the electoral coalition

building strategy of the UCR in the province of Santa Fe ahead of the 2019 elections, carried out by Ariadna Gallo

and Carolina Pérez Roux.

Since the 1980s, organizations of unemployed workers and residents of precarious communities have witnessed

rapid growth in magnitude organizational, assertive effectiveness and formulation of public policy proposals; they

relativized the formal quasi monopoly of the articulation of interests by political parties and the trade union

movement, contributed to reformulate the conventional articulation between state and civil society. Julia Nesprias

explores the evolution of the villero movement in the City of Buenos Aires in its articulation with the predominant

institutional policies. The article by Maneiro and Núñez describes the process of struggle of the organizations of

workers of the popular economy around the Social Emergency law of 2016, their strategies for building alliances

with a wide range of society and the system political, in an institutional political environment of ruling


Finally Feldman and Girolimo analyze the promotion policies of Industry 4.0 in a context of accelerated

technological change, taking as a reference the experiences recent developments in Mexico, Argentina and Brazil

in digitization and automation of Productive processes; draw attention to the need for peripheral economies and

the need to face these challenges so as not to deepen the existing gaps with respect to to the core countries.

An analysis of political and administrative capacities is published in the Documents section

of the state, from the perspective of the State and Public Administration Commission of the

Homeland. This document is included as a contribution to the political-academic debate around the role of the

public sector in promoting development with social equity.

With this number the RPPP reaches its first decade of existence. In these ten years

150 articles and 42 reviews were accepted and published, of the more than 600 originals

received. 69 articles published are by female authorship (46%), 68 by authorship

masculine (45%) and 13 of authorship gender sharing; one sixth comes from

authors affiliated with academic institutions abroad. The variety of your

content, according to the breadth of its call and the wide field of analysis of the

State and public policies, combines academic quality according to standards

with the commitment to the substantive values ​​that inspire and guide the

National University of Lanús.

Author Biography

Carlos Vilas, UNLA

Director of review
