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From National to Subnational levels: environmental policies in Argentina’s provinces. A case study of glacier protection in Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego (2010.2020)

  • María Paula Lucero (UNSAM), Diplomada en Gestión y Control de Políticas Públicas (FLACSO), Maestrando en Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable (UNQ).


This paper point to institutional factors intervening in
the implementation of the Environmental Policy Act
“Regime of Minimum Standards for the Preservation of
Glaciers and the Periglacial Environment” in two argentine
provinces in which said Act comes into tension
with the development of open pit mining, to which they
respond to the contrary form: propelling it (Santa Cruz),
or banning it (Tierra del Fuego). It is argued here that
the intervening factors are the trajectory in environmental
policies and the autonomy and capacity of the subnational
State. Our discussion is developed through a
theoretical-methodological strategy of triangulation, with
an analysis of qualitative and quantitative data and various

Author Biography

María Paula Lucero, (UNSAM), Diplomada en Gestión y Control de Políticas Públicas (FLACSO), Maestrando en Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable (UNQ).

Licenciada en Ciencia Política
(UNSAM), Diplomada en Gestión
y Control de Políticas Públicas
(FLACSO), Maestrando en Ambiente
y Desarrollo Sustentable (UNQ).
