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Nanotechnology in Argentina: the role of the National Commission Atomic Energy

  • Sofya Surtayeva UNSAM


This article addresses the incidence of Argentiona’s National Commission of Atomic Energy in the development of the first public policies to promote nanotechnology, its subsequent distancing, as well as its own trajectory in the development
of nanotechnology. Moving away from the “general purpose technology” approach and promotion of nanotechnology as a major area of knowledge that was used to guide promotional policies in Argentina, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica promoted nanotechnology in a different way, an approach that resembles mission-oriented policies.

Author Biography

Sofya Surtayeva, UNSAM

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales y
Humanas. Becaria posdoctoral con lugar
de trabajo en el Centro de Estudios
de Historia de la Ciencia y la Técnica,
Escuela de Humanidades -UNSAM
