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Public policies on problematic consumption of substances: the case of the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina (2007-2019)

  • Mariano Gil UNR CONICET


In this article we depict public policies addressed at the problematic consumption of substances implemented by the Province of Santa Fe between 2007 and 2019. A systematization is elaborated of the official documentation produced on this issue together with interviews with persons working in the formulation and implementation of these policies. From the analysis of the information thus gathered, a periodization is built, attempting at the identification of continuities and ruptures in policies. In addition we take into account the meanings state
workers involved in these policies attach to them, on the hypothesis that these meanings are involved in policies implementation.

Author Biography

Mariano Gil, UNR CONICET

Lic. en Antropología (UNR). Becario
doctoral CONICET en el Centro de
Estudios Antropológicos en Contextos
Urbanos (CEACU) de la Universidad
Nacional de Rosario (UNR)
