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Vocational Training Centers in Argentina: an analysis based on the union actor as a mediator of public policies in education and work.

  • Miguel Alfredo FLACSO
  • Pablo Granovsky FLACSO


This article discusses the formation of education and labor public policies through Professional Training Centers (CFP) within the framework of institutional actors in Argentina in the 21st century. It is argued that labor unions are a central actor in the management of the articulation of both policy fields –education and labor- and the provision of training. Methodologically, a qualitative research approach is adopted linking the reconstruction of
the social practices of the Vocational Training (VET) actors selected as key informants for the reconstruction of the sectoral dynamics in the governance of the PTC, taking up the cases of UOCRA (Construction Workers Union
of the Republic of Argentina) and SMATA (Mechanics
and Related Trade Union of Automotive Transportation)

Author Biographies

Miguel Alfredo, FLACSO

Magister en Ciencias Sociales del Trabajo
y doctorando en Ciencias Sociales
de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Becario doctoral por temas estratégicos
CONICET. Investigador asistente del
Programa Estudios y Relaciones del
Trabajo/FLACSO Argentina.

Pablo Granovsky, FLACSO

Magister en Ciencias Sociales del
Trabajo. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales
por la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Director de proyectos de investigación
en la Universidad Nacional de La
Matanza; Coordinador del Laboratorio
en Estudios del Trabajo: análisis del
mercado de trabajo (Programa Estudios
y Relaciones del Trabajo-FLACSO).
Miembro del Observatorio sobre la díada
Educación y Trabajo (ODET) (Fundación
