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The Binational Migrant Education Program: An appraisal of findings in Baja California state, 2014-2019

  • José Candelario Osuna García Universidad de Baja California, México


This article contains a summary of the results of the
Binational Programme of Migrant Education during the administration of Francisco Vega de Lamadrid,
governor of the state of Baja California for the period
2014-2019, stressing the outreach and shortcomings of the sexennial working plan. An analysis of official documents was carried out with the purpose of establishing the congruence between the goals, strategies and implementation guidelines of action of international documents and the national and state development plan, as well with the implementation of the federal program at the Baja California state level. In addition, a research and analysis of press coverage in local written and digital media was carried out to known about the reports issued and events held with regard to migrant education in the same period of time, as an approximation to performance evaluation.

Author Biography

José Candelario Osuna García, Universidad de Baja California, México

Doctor en Estudios del Desarrollo
Global, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Universidad Autónoma de Baja
California, México
