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Neoliberalism as Political Theology. Habermas, Foucault, Dardot, Laval and the history of contemporary capitalism. Jose Luis Villacanas

  • Pablo Méndez CONICET - UNLa


"Neoliberalism has been the last political theology attempted to date" (pp. 73-74). Such is the argument developed in the book Neoliberalism as Political Theology, published by the Spanish philosopher, José Luis Villacañas, in 2020. The proposal is as attractive as it is challenging. In the first place, because Villacañas offers a systematic review of the interpretations of Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval on neoliberalism. The starting point is the books La nouvelle raison du monde (2009) [translated into Spanish as The new reason for the world. Essay on neoliberal society (Gedisa, 2013)] and Foucault, Bourdieu et la question néolibérale (2019) [Foucault, Bourdieu and the neoliberal question (Gedisa, 2020)].

Author Biography

Pablo Méndez, CONICET - UNLa

Dr. en Filosofía. UNLa. Investigador CONICET. 
