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Income Support and Social Protection in Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Argentina

  • Giuseppe Messina Conicet


The article studies the main federal government actions implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, in three areas of Argentina’s social protection: income transfers for the elderly, for households with children and adolescents and for working-age individuals. A mixed research method - quantitative and qualitative - is conducted for the analysis of the official statistic as well the federal government budget and the legislation in force, focusing on programs such as Alimentar, Potenciar Trabajo, Family Emergency Income and the benefits pro[1]vided by the pension and family allowance systems. The objective of the investigation is to explore how the coverage of social programs evolved and what is the adequacy of income transfers in terms of national poverty threshold within the selected period. Initial findings indicate an inadequacy of income transfers, a decline in real spending on social policies (with some exceptions) and the absence of a universal income transfer for the working-age population.

Author Biography

Giuseppe Messina, Conicet

Investigador CONICET en el Instituto
de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales
Gioja (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
