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Social, entrepreneurial and political-administrative approaches to a process of urban renewal in a municipality in the Buenos Aires Conurban: A case study on “Lanusita”

  • Matías Nicolás Galgano UNLa


Since the end of the monetary convertibility the traditional centralities of some municipalities in the Buenos Aires Conurban area a dynamic of urban transformation has been developing, largely pushed by the recovery of the purchasing power of middle-upper and upper class strata, be[1]coming attractive to real estate and gastronomic investment. In the municipality of Lanús, a dynamic of high-rise construction and densification combined with the gastronomic business is observed that distinguishes a territory bordering the traditional center and turns it into an area of considerable demand selectivity. Using a qualitative methodology, this work aims to reconstruct the opinions, imaginaries and representations of the urban renewal that is happening in the selected case: “Lanusita”. The actors surveyed were of three types: politicians, businessmen and organized neighbours. The main conclusion refers to the poor socio-territorial awareness of the problems that this type of initiatives entails regarding unequal territorial development on the periphery of the global periphery.

Author Biography

Matías Nicolás Galgano, UNLa

CONICET - Universidad de Buenos
Aires. Instituto de Investigaciones Gino
Germani (IIGG); Universidad Nacional
de Lanús
