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Public policies from science and technology organizations. Ignacio Alonso, Débora Barrera and Diego Taraborrelli (Comps.)

  • María Mercedes Patrouilleau INTA-CONICET, CIPAF (INTA).


The work Public policies from science and technology organizations compiled by Ignacio Alonso, Débora Barrera and Diego Taraborrelli proposes original approaches on the background of the relationship between science and politics, between technological development and the design and implementation of public policies. This is a work promoted by a research team from the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) centered on the Contribution to the Formulation and Management of Public Policies platform. The book is made up of an introductory section and two main parts that make up articles. The introductory section has a prologue written by Mario Albornoz and an introduction by the compilers. The first part brings together seven articles that provide conceptual and methodological contributions to addressing public policies. The second part is made up of nine articles that present cases of analysis and systematization of experiences in the work of the interface between science, technology and policies.

Author Biography

María Mercedes Patrouilleau, INTA-CONICET, CIPAF (INTA).

Investigadora INTA-CONICET,
