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Activating the state: The managerial experience of the “Barrios de Pie” Movement with the “Programa de Promotores” for social change in 2005-2008

  • Agustina Gradin
Keywords: Estado, Movimientos de desocupados, Barrios de Pie, Estilos de gestión State, Movements of unemployed people, Barrios de Pie, Management Styles


This paper focuses on some organizational as well operational modifications experienced in Argentina in the implementation and management of social policies, due to the institutional participation therein of several organizations of the unemployed. Such an involvement implied a sharp shift in the ways social policies had been produced and implemented up to then, together with a reconfiguration
of the organizations’ relation to state agencies. The discussion is conducted through the experience of Barrios de Pie from 2005 to 2008.

Author Biography

Agustina Gradin

Programa de Estado y Políticas Públicas - FLACSO Argentina.
