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Conceptual representations of poor people and poverty in Argentina’s social policy officers

  • María Belén Aenlle
Keywords: representaciones, pobres, pobreza, desigualdades, agentes de la política social representations, poverty, poor people, inequalities, social policy effectors


Notwithstanding the relevance of the conceptual representations of policy officers involved in both the design and implementation of social policies with regard to poverty, little academic attention has been addressed to them. In this work we assess their relevance in order to understand how prevailing and alternative conceptual or ideological paradigms of poor people and poverty at large, contribute to produce and eventually to perpetuate policy interventions and meanings with regard to the persons and situations to which policies are addressed. Our main goal is to build a typology of these representation as well to discuss the ways they influence social policy-making and implementation. Three categories of representations are thus identified: institutional transformative, institutional traditionalist, and essentialist.

Author Biography

María Belén Aenlle

Licenciada en Trabajo Social y Magister en Política Social, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Docente de Investigación Social, Universidad Nacional de Moreno.
