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Restrictions in the management of human resources in public organizations

  • Hugo Cormick
Keywords: Administración pública, Recursos Humanos, Presupuesto Público, Técnica vs. Política Public administration, Human Resources, Technique vs Politics, Public Budget


The human resources management in public administrations is crossed by the debate about the “interference” of politics in different stages of its development, which is considered as an obstacle for a rational organizational performance. Given this interference, the application of technical criteria for achieving the objectives of public organizations is usually proposed. However, this proposal tends to ignores the presence of the budgetary dimension in making decisions on this management. These three dimensions: technical, political and budgetary, operate as restrictions for human resources management in the public sphere; accordingly, proposes an approach to this question in order to account that interaction, thus avoiding an unilaterally prescriptive discourse.

Author Biography

Hugo Cormick

Magister en Administración Pública, FCE-UBA. Profesor Titular Ordinario Gestión de Recursos Humanos en el Sector Público, Universidad Nacional de Moreno.
