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Developing Development: State Policies and Indigenous Politics in Northwest Argentina. A new post-neoliberal era?

  • Marina Weinberg
Keywords: Post-neoliberalism, State, Development, Indigenous Peoples Post-neoliberalismo, Estado, Desarrollo, Pueblos Indígenas


Since a decade ago Argentina has entered in a new political phase commonly nominated as “postneoliberal”. The State has regained its fundamental role in the political, economic and social development, creating and implementing an important number of social policies that reinforced its presence at both national and local levels. Among other previously marginalized sectors, indigenous peoples have been strongly integrated through many novel state run strategies. Recent changes have shown to be different to the market-oriented policies, yet we can still observe that still subsist many preceding neoliberal structures. From an anthropological perspective, I compare these two models, focalizing on development programs oriented to indigenous peoples.

Author Biography

Marina Weinberg

Antropóloga investigadora del Instituto Interdisciplinario Tilcara, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Lic. en Ciencias Antropológicas, UBA; M.A. en Antropología Sociocultural y doctoranda (PhD Candidate) de State University of New York, Binghamton
