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Public policies and political conflict during post-neoliberalism: the “30-S” case in Ecuador

  • Soledad Stoessel
Keywords: Post-neoliberalism, political conflict, State, public policies, “30-S” Post-neoliberalismo, conflicto político, Estado, políticas públicas, “30-S”


The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between public policies, political conflict and post-neoliberalism in the Ecuadorian political process started in 2007 with Rafael Correa´s government. Specifically, this work examines the conflict known as “30-S” carried out by members of the police and military forces in September 2010 due to the Public Service Organic Law, which restructured some areas of the public service field. For that purpose, this work proposes a theoretical and methodological approach focusing on the intersections between a structural-critical juncture level and the “agency” level of the social subjects involved in specific political arenas.

Author Biography

Soledad Stoessel

Lic. en Sociología y Mgr. en Ciencia Política; doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales (UNLP /CONICET/FLACSOEcuador).
