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John Rawls and Citizen’s Income

  • Julio Leonidas Aguirre
Keywords: Citizen’s Income, justice as equity, normative defence Ingreso Ciudadano, justicia como equidad, defensa normativa


The aim of this work is to discuss the Universal Citizen’s Income proposal from the perspective of John Rawls’ Theory of Justice. We will enquire on the feasibility of a normative argumentation on Citizen’s Income from the standpoint of the egalitarian liberal theory of Justice as fairness. In order to that we will define the proposal giving particular attention to the feasibility characteristics of normative judgements; subsequently a brief description is made of the theory of Justice as fairness; finally, we discuss on the prospects of a regulatory defence of UCI from the standpoint of an equalitarian liberal theory of justice as equity. Thus, we examine the possibility of providing a normative defence of Citizen’s Income (and through it to all kinds of universal transfers of income) from perspective of Rawls’ Theory of Justice.

Author Biography

Julio Leonidas Aguirre