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Democracy and public policies. An outline of their relationship

  • Rodolfo Canto Sáenz
Keywords: democracia, políticas públicas, Estado, sociedad civil, América Latina democracy, public policy, State, civil society, Latin America


Facing sociopolitical governance models, currently in vogue in Latin America, the article proposes to look back to the traditional political arena. Based on the analytical distinction between State, civil society and political society, made by Touraine, it deals with the relationship between democracy and public policy, distinguishing between different forms of participation of social and political actors. In Latin America, the most unequal region in the world, democracy can only be social. The struggle for democratic demands is always possible and if it strengthens enough social movements, community groups and new social subjects, can change the balance of power in certain areas of public policy in favor of broader social interests.

Author Biography

Rodolfo Canto Sáenz
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán