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Social Programs in Argentina in the last decade: An approach to gender blindness

  • Maricel Del Valle Magario
Keywords: Gender, Poverty, Family, Social policies, Argentina Género, Pobreza, Familia, Políticas sociales, Argentina


The present document focuses on the main social policies implemented during the last decade by Argentina’s state at the narional level, from a descriptiveperspective
as well a gender approach since inequality in the relations of power between men and women, has a structural character which organizes them as two genders: the productive one (male, active, head of the family) and the reproductive other (mother, passive, housewife, caretaker). Public policies become a central tool for the treatment of inequalities present between men and women, with regard their participation in social,labour, family and political relations.

Author Biography

Maricel Del Valle Magario

Magister en Género, Sociedad y políticas (FLACSO, sede Argentina); Lic. en Psicología (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
