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Monitoring and evaluation of public policies in Latin America: gaps to be closed

  • María Angélica Pignatta National University of Rosario (UNR) Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) Argentina.
Keywords: monitoreo y evaluación, políticas públicas, capacidades institucionales, brechas de capacidad, América Latina Monitoring and evaluation, public policies, institutional capacities, capacity gaps, Latin America


The conviction about the importance of monitoring and evaluating public policies has been gradually installed in the Latin American region; However, it still faces significant challenges both in the conceptual field and in the prevailing perspectives and in the practice of public management. In this scenario, the work focuses on deepening the dual monitoring and evaluation, first, to clarify the distinctions and relations between both. Second, certain challenges for public management are addressed: shortening institutional capacity gaps to promote their practice from the incorporation of the rights approach and modify the perspectives that prevail in the public administration prioritizing learning in a way that favor the use of findings And recommendations.
