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The industrial corporate elite: an analysis of the corporate trajectories of the leaders of the Industrial Union Argentina in the 1990s

  • Marina Virginia Dossi CONICET
Keywords: Argentine economic elite, Argentine Industrial Union, corporate trajectories, representation of interests, industrial concentration Elite económica argentina, Unión Industrial Argentina, trayectorias corporativas, representación de intereses, concentración industrial


The article analyzes the characteristics of the leadership of the Industrial Union of Argentina in the 1990s, focusing on the reconstruction of the corporate trajectories of its leaders to analyze how they influence the internal dynamics, organization and representation of interests, and In the relationships it engages with other social actors. Economic elite is defined as the set of individuals who occupied high positions in the big firms and in the main corporative organizations of the business. Given the decisive role of the industrial corporate leadership in the process of capital accumulation, wealth distribution and the orientation of state economic intervention, it is considered part of the Argentine economic elite.

Author Biography

Marina Virginia Dossi, CONICET
PhD in Social Sciences (FLACSO Argentina) and Master in Political Science (IDAES-UNSAM) Postdoctoral Fellow CONICET Researcher at IDAES-UNSAM Faculty of Agronomy / UBA- CONICET / UNSAM and Head of Practical Work in the General Economy Chair, Faculty of Agronomy , Buenos Aires' University.