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The role of user associations in the regulation and control of the drinking water and sanitation service of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (1993-2010)

  • Mariela Verónica Rocca UBA
Keywords: asociaciones de usuarios y consumidores, regulación estatal, servicio de agua potable y saneamiento Consumer and consumer associations, state regulation, potable water service and sanitation


This article studies the actions of associations
Of users and consumers with regard to regulation
And control of the potable water service and
Sanitation of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area
Between 1993 and 2010. Mainly interested in
Investigate the effective capacity that these associations
Had to influence the regulatory development.
Also considered are the continuities
And ruptures of its positioning in relation to the
Stages through which the service was managed
(Private concession, contractual renegotiation postconvertibility
And reestablishment). These
Approach through the analysis of the instruments
That encourage their participation, the type of
Strategy deployed and the link established with
Regulatory agencies and service providers
In the period considered.

Author Biography

Mariela Verónica Rocca, UBA
PhD in Social Sciences and Mgr.Public Administration, University ofBuenos Aires. Teacher of the Faculty ofSocial Sciences, UBA