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The Perespectivas Magazine of Public Policies uses various indexing services such as LATINREV, LATINDEX, EBSCO, CLASE, REDIB, CAICYT.





LatinREV is the cooperative network of journals and associations of academic journals in the field of social sciences and humanities created at the request of the Area of ​​State and Public Policies (directed by Dr. Daniel García Delgado and Cristina Ruiz del Ferrier), and the Library of Social Sciences “Enzo Faletto” (directed by Mg. María Cecilia Corda), from FLACSO Argentina in June 2017.

Its purpose is to provide advice, training and updating on issues related to the sustainability of publications. Likewise, LatinREV offers the creation of a collaborative and participatory space to disseminate information of interest to editorial teams. For this, LatinREV organizes an academic day with specialists in the field for the exchange and discussion of relevant axes for this field of academic production that is held in the month of June of each year.


National Autonomous University of Mexico
CLASS is a bibliographic database created in 1975 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The database is updated daily and more than 10,000 records are added every year.
It offers about 270 thousand bibliographic records of articles, essays, book reviews, bibliographic reviews, short notes, editorials, biographies, interviews, statistics and other documents published in about 1,500 journals in Latin America and the Caribbean, specializing in social sciences and humanities.

Access to the magazine: Records available





Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal

The idea of ​​creating Latindex emerged in 1995 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and became a regional cooperation network from 1997.

Latindex currently offers three databases:

1) Directory: with bibliographic and contact data of 19,297 scientific journals registered at the regional level, in printed or electronic support, of which 3281 correspond to Argentina.

2) Catalog: it has 4,914 scientific journals (it includes only the journals –printed or electronic– that meet the editorial quality criteria designed by Latindex), of which 458 correspond to Argentina.

3) Link to Electronic Magazines, since 2002, allows the location of 4,494 journals included in the Directory, which have an online version and reports on the type of access, the formats in which they are presented and their temporary coverage, establishing a link with the electronic address of the magazine and access to the full text of the available articles. Access and consultation policies depend on each site consulted.

The editorial quality criteria designed by Latindex, for printed journals and electronic journals, in addition to being the evaluation criteria used to enter the Latindex Catalog, serve as the basis for other evaluation instances.

Access to the magazine:





EBSCO offers excellent content and research technologies to libraries and other organizations. Our financial strength and more than 70 years of history confirm that EBSCO has a solid commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction and collaboration with libraries to create the best user experiences.

Databases: EBSCO provides a range of library database services. Many of the databases, such as MEDLINE and EconLit, are licensed by content providers. Others, such as Academic Search, America: History and life, Art index, Art summaries, Full text of art, Commercial source, Clinical reference systems, Criminal justice summaries, Education summaries, Complete environment, Health source, Historical summaries, History Reference Center, MasterFILE, NetLibrary, Primary Search, Professional Development Collection and USP DI are compiled by EBSCO itself.



REDIB (Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge)

REDIB is an aggregation platform for scientific and academic content in electronic format produced in the Ibero-American sphere, related to it in a broader cultural and social sense and geographically non-restrictive. REDIB has a clear vocation to promote the technological innovation of editorial production tools. These facilitate access, dissemination and enhancement of scientific production 

generated in the countries of its scope of action, especially in the different languages that belong to them. The recipients of this information are both the academic community and society in general, as well as those responsible, managers and analysts of scientific policies. Internet ensures the global reach of this information.





The Magazine has been cataloged at level 1 by Caicyt. The Argentine Center for Scientific and Technological Information (CAICYT) is a Service Center and Research Institute of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). The activities carried out in CAICYT are mainly documentary services, scientific communication, research and training directed to researchers, editors, scientists, librarians and Institutions related to Research and Higher Education in the country, the region and in the world.