Advances and challenges in Argentina’s National System of Public Employment (2015-2023): career management and training
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the
main advances and challenges in the field of Collective
Covenant of Sectoral Labor at the National Civil Service
System (in Spanish SINEP) since 2015 to 2023 with
a light on the administrative career regime and training
activities for stable civil service. To this end, fourteen in
terviews were conducted with key informants who were
or are responsible for Personnel Directions or Technical
Training Coordination within the National Public
Administration. Among the main conclusions, the rele
vance of SINEP is highlighted, as opposed to the need to
update and develop competitive systems for access to the
civil service to reinstate equality in careers. Additionally,
regarding training, there is a favorable perception of the
quality of courses and the performance of the national
training system. However, the role of the National
Institute of Public Administration should be strength
ened, and courses should be incorporated to respond to
the new demands of the IV Industrial Revolution.