History of Science and History Chance in history and evolutionism

  • Rubén Padlubne


We believe that there is an interactive and complex relationship between History and History of Science. In the history on the West, the notion of chance it was becoming important in the proto- Modernity, due to the growth of trade, which favored random social mobility. His socio-economic-cultural process configured a profane view of life. During the seventeenth century began its systematic approach and its first scientific treatment appears. When during the nineteenth century Darwin and Wallace introduce the notion of chance and get recognition, such an idea was already integrated into doxa and science.


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Author Biography

Rubén Padlubne

Bachelor of Arts with a linguistic orientation (UBA) and Master of Speech Analysis (UBA). He attended all the seminars of Doctorate in Epistemology and History of Science (UNTREF). Professor and researcher in Epistemology, History of Science and Linguistics in the UBA, UNGS and UNSAM. He has published articles in specialized academic journals, and books as co-author, and coordinator; He has exhibited at numerous conferences and conferences.
