ANDRÉS MOMBRÚ RUGGIERO, Methodologies and methodological tools. An epistemological decision, a philosophical foundation.

  • Cristina Ambrosini


The book of Dr. Andrés Mombrú Ruggiero: methodologies and methodological tools. An epistemological decision, a philosophical foundation, Avellaneda, L.J.C. Ediciones, 2019, is dedicated to reviewing the main epistemological currents that give foundation to the most extended methodologies and application in the most diverse scientific, humanistic and artistic disciplines within the research area of ​​our academic media. In this task, the difference between methodologies and methodological tools is distinguished in order to distinguish the instrumental resources from the procedural proposals that, despite having different epistemological foundations, cross the methodologies of use in different sciences. For Mombrú, not taking into account these differences generates confusions and misunderstandings that can be seen as the cause of the failure of many research proposals when there are inconsistencies or misunderstandings between the purely formal and instrumental processes and the epistemological foundations that sustain them.


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