New scenarios require reviewing the role of every teacher academic

  • Cintia Caserotto Miranda
Keywords: teahcing, college, neoliberalismo docencia, universidad, neoliberalismo


This article provides a brief description — resorting to Sanchez (2013) - of the academic excellence that characterizes the university teacher of the Religious University (eg University Catholic) Next, it is exemplified with a specific case, the reception that academic excellence, in terms raised by Sánchez (2013), obtained in the Argentinian republic. Then, the didactic-pedagogical strategy that the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires projected in order to address properly teaching students university students net. Finally, they translate Some thoughts.


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Author Biography

Cintia Caserotto Miranda
Argentine Air Force Audit Officer. PhD student Lawyer graduated with Diploma of Honor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires; Specialist in Aeronautical Law, Space and Airport (National Institute of Aeronautical and Space Law); Specialist in Preparation of Legal Standards (U.B.A) [article in press: ´The Annexes to the Aviation Convention Civil International´]; Ex-student of the Master in Methodology of Scientific Research; Ex-student of the Master in Judiciary and Judicial Law; Master of Defense student National. University Professor at the Faculty of Law (U.B.A); Adjunct postgraduate teacher (I.N.D.A.E) and collaborator in the "Maritime and Aeronautical Law Update Program" (Law School - U.B.A) ad-honorem.