ALICIA IRIARTE, (Compiler) Higher education systems in Latin America. Transformation and Transnationalization. A new paradigm.

  • Alicia Iriarte
Keywords: transnational education; college; research educación transnacional; universidad; investigación


This publication is a compilation which gathers articles of the working group UBACyT program that has carried out the investigation (code 20020130100180BA): “Transformations of university systems in Latin America: its adaptation to trends of the new scenario international and the globalization The strategies of transnationalization of Education superior (1995-2014) ”, accredited and funded in UBACyT Program 2014/2017, of the University from Buenos Aires, Argentina, directed by Dr. Alicia Iriarte.


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Author Biography

Alicia Iriarte
Doctor in Social Sciences (FLACSO, Argentina). Teacher and researcher of the Common Basic Cycle, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
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