PAULO ASSIS, Logic of Experimentation: Rethinking Music Performance through Artistic Research

  • Alejandro Brianza
Keywords: Art, music, performer Arte, música, performer


Paulo de Assis es performer experimental,
pianista e investigador en el campo del
arte, con intereses transdisciplinares que
cruzan composición musical, filosofía,
epistemología y teoría
psicoanalítica. Es investigador
en el Orpheus
Institute en Gante, Bélgica,
siendo el Director
de investigación del EU
project. Es Chair de la
serie de conferencias internacionales
and Artistic Research
–Deleuze y la investigación
artística– y editor
responsable de la serie de
libros Artistic Research,
que edita Rowman &
Little eld International.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Brianza
Composer, researcher and teacher. Master in Methodology of Scientific Research, Bachelor in Audiovision, Sound and recording technician and flute player. He teaches at the University of Salvador and at the National University of Lanús, where it is also part of research related to the sound technology, electroacoustic music and contemporary languages, of which he has given conferences and workshops in congresses and different meetings of the national and international academic field. He is a member of the Andamio collaborative platform and a member of the Latin American Sound Artists Network.