Eficacia de intervenciones en TEA: herramientas de valoración. Una Revisión sistemática.

Keywords: autism, cognitive, behavioral, intervention, assessment, outcome, efficacy autismo, intervención, test, eficacia, conducta


Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder with deficits in social communication. The objective was to carry out a systematic review of tests that allow assessing the results of psychotherapies with cognitive and behavioral orientation in children with autism. They were evaluated with the PRISMA method, on a total of 757 children. The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, video analysis, the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS), and the Strange Stories test were effective. This review can guide the organization of a battery to measure the clinical effectiveness of social communication interventions in children with ASD.


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Author Biography

Dra. Nora Grañana, UBA, UMSAM, UFLO, UMSA, Universidad Maimónides
Nora Grañana: ngranana@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8448-2611, Child Neurology. Pediatrics Division. Doctor in Psychology with Orientation in Applied Cognitive Neuroscience. Specialist in Clinical Neuropsychology. Lecturer in charge of Child Neuropsychology I. Specialty in Neuropsychology. UBA Psychology Faculty. Master Neuropsychology. UFLO. Master in Child Neuropsychology. UNSAM Doctorate Psychology. Maimonides University. Phonoaudiology PhD. Argentine Social Museum University.
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