Subjective complaints of memory, objective performance and related neuropsychological functions. A systematic review

Keywords: Subjetive memory complaints. Neuropsychological functions. Quejas subjetivas de memoria. Funciones neuropsicológicas.


A systematic review analyzes the relationship of Subjective Memory Complaints (SMC) with objective performance in tests of memory and other functions, and their implications on cognitive impairment. Using the PRISMA NMA methodology, 23 articles were selected from the PubMed database, with a total of 21,445 older adults evaluated. In 65% a relationship between SMC and changes in memory measurement was identified and in 56% in executive functions, although only in 22% it was associated with cognitive impairment. Modulating variables are identified, such as depression and other psychological ones. 73.91% of the studies recommend attending SMC in older adults, considered a risk variable, increasing its value in combination with objective measures of neuropsychological functions.


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Author Biographies

Prof. Dr. Carlos D. Mias, UFLO

Prof. Dr. Carlos D. Mias:,, Professor of Neuropsychology, UNC, Doctor of Health Sciences, Biomedicine Area, FCM UNC, Director Of Neuropsychology Service, UNC, Member Academic and Teaching Commission, Master's Degree in Neuropsychology, UFLO, Director Graduate Program Integrated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Neurosciences, UNC,Researcher Category 2, No. 1113. National Incentive Program.

Dra. Belén Causse, UFLO

Prof. Mgter. Dr. Belen Causse,,, Mr. Psychopedagogía (USAL), Doctor. Psychology Orientation Applied Cognitive Neuroscience (UM),Master in Neuropsychology (UNC),Master Child Neuropsychology (UPO), Director Master's Degree Neuropsychology (UFLO). UFLO Teacher and Researcher, Nac University Teacher and Researcher. Of the Comahue, Member Neurodevelopmental Team Hospital Provincial Neuquén Dr. Castro Rendón.

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