School everyday life: a dialectical view from interpretive phenomenology. Approaches to ethnographic and socio-anthropological perspectives for educational research

  • Profesora Carla Ciavaglia
Keywords: education, phenomenology, dialectics, ethnography, socio-anthropology educación, fenomenología, dialéctica, etnografía, socioantropología


In the present work, from a polyphonic and recursive textual construction, using complex and dialectical logics of both production and reflection, we will try to reflect on the importance that - in our opinion - the study of school everyday life should have both as an end in itself as in the planning of public policies. To this end, we will develop, in the first part, an approach to the dialectical and phenomenological approaches in Social Sciences, placing emphasis on the interpretive phenomenological sociology proposed by Alfred Schutz. In a second part, we will approach the analytical-interpretive and socio-anthropological ethnographic paradigms through a limited theoretical development woven with the analysis of the ethnography of Paul Willis, Learning to work. How working-class kids get working-class jobs, and from a short presentation by Elena Achilli, “Escuela y ciudad. Contexts and logics of sociocultural fragmentation ”.
But, "before I start to say I will say" that we have not used inclusive language. We owe it to ourselves.


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Author Biography

Profesora Carla Ciavaglia
Carla Ciavaglia: Professor of Letters from the UBA (1986) Specialist in Scientific Research Methodology from UNLa (2003) Specialist in Educational Research from UNC (2003) Professor, director, teaching advisor and inspector at the DGCyE of the PBA from May 5, 1986 until his retirement in 2019
Imagen de clase con peones de aejdrez como alumnos y ventana con imagen de gran ciudad