Triangulation in revelation and suspicion. An opening exercise

Un ejercicio de apertura

  • Lic. Manuel Facundo Correa Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: phenomenology, structuralism, to reveal, suspect, Actor Network Theory fenomenología, estructuralismo, revelar, sospechar, teoría del actor red


This is an exercise developed to explore the intersection of structuralism and phenomenology. After reviewing its axioms, I have decided to incorporate Jean Claude Milner's philosophy on the Policy of the Speaking Beings, in order to introduce the concept of the masses. I will consider the possibility of the masses being a social entity where the tensions of structuralism and phenomenology tend to merge. The masses provide the dialectical contradiction that mixes both philosophies, because it is characterized by the loss of virtual subjectivity and form. However, the potential for virtual subjectivity and form is still there. It is expressed by the political and non-political bodies that hold power over the masses through violent means. I present some clarifications on Bruno Latour's Theory of the Actor Network in order frame the concept of the masses within the context of the intersection of structuralism and phenomenology.


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Author Biography

Lic. Manuel Facundo Correa, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Manuel Facundo Correa:, holds a Degree in Social Anthropology from UBA, Master in Social Research and Development from UDEC-Chile. Works on the subjects of socio-environmental disputes; family, peasant and indigenous agriculture and diverse community economies and collaborates with the Chair of Political Ecology of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA.

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